The Fear Toolbox

The number one obstacle to success? Fear. Fear of failure, of loss, of ridicule and rejection, of not being good enough … fear comes in many forms, but it is part of the human condition – experienced by everyone who has ever achieved anything. Fear can function as an early warning system, letting us know when we are about to face risk or danger, but it can also attack our confidence, our sense of worth, and our sense of self-efficacy, leading to paralysis and avoidance. “If you persuade yourself that […]

The mystery of human motivation

Whatever our understanding of how human motivation operates – whether we are interested in improving how we motivate ourselves, or others – we are aware that employee motivation is a key driver of productivity and achievement in our organisation. Daniel Pink, author of ‘Drive’, argues that our understanding of what drives our behaviour in the workplace needs to be upgraded from the belief in the universal effectiveness of punishment and reward, and he puts forward the idea that there are three universal motivators that drive our behaviour: autonomy – the need […]