The Fear Toolbox

The number one obstacle to success? Fear. Fear of failure, of loss, of ridicule and rejection, of not being good enough … fear comes in many forms, but it is part of the human condition – experienced by everyone who has ever achieved anything. Fear can function as an early warning system, letting us know when we are about to face risk or danger, but it can also attack our confidence, our sense of worth, and our sense of self-efficacy, leading to paralysis and avoidance. “If you persuade yourself that […]

Time-management – the basics

Improving our time-management skills is often seen as the solution to increased workflow or workplace stress, however even the best time-management system has its limits. If we are currently under high work demands, how can we implement an effective and sustainable time-management system, when it just feels like another thing on our to-do list? This is compounded by the massive amount of information out there on time-management systems – workshops, books, articles, diaries. With such a wealth of information available, where do we start? First of all, KIS – keep […]

Finding peace in the crazy season

Christmas, in theory a time of peace on earth, is often a frenetic rush to achieve.  End of year work deadlines, social events, school productions; lists of presents, decorations and food; relationship stress and money worries – often stretch even the best prioritisation and time-management systems. One tool to help us through this is a daily 10-15 minute practice of meditation.  This practice comes in many forms, but at its core is the intention to bring peace to the mind and body, and increase consciousness and awareness. Research has shown that […]