How to get where you want to go

How do we get clarity on where we want to go, and how do we know it will lead to happiness and success once we get there? And how do we cross the gap between here and there, with all the obstacles and fears that hold us back from fulfilling our potential? In one sense, coaching can be seen as the process of building a bridge between where we are now, and where we want to go – similar to employing a qualified engineer to help draw up the plans and […]

Resolutions, and the power of hope

It’s often at this time of year that any New Year’s resolutions can start to falter as our positive intentions hit the inertia of our old ways of being. The power of hope (a desire with an expectation for something, especially something good, to happen) can enable us to see possibilities where none exist, propelling us to move towards a better future for ourselves and others around us. Research has shown that people who score high in hope have lower levels of depression and anxiety, and higher levels of happiness […]